Name: Privates!
Version: 1.2
Category: Apps, iPhone Apps
Date: 2016-04-18
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How to Jailbreak iOS 4.1 by using GreenPois0n What‚Äôs greenpois0n? It’s another jailbreak tool created by Chronic Dev-Team. Back when 3.x came out they were going to use it as an actual jailbreaking tool, but plans changed, blackra1n came out as well as spirit which by then Greenpois0n would have been a waste. So time […]
Rubyra1n, The Next Jailbreak Tool by GeoHot. That’s what jailbreak community expect recently. It seems that GeoHot is preparing new surprise. “He” appear registered rubyra1n.com based on whois information of rubyra1n.com, blackra1n.com, and limera1n.com. It shows similar information. However, let rumor be rumor. Do not expect any new jailbreak tool from GeoHot. If you open […]
What is AppSync? AppSync is a free app for iPhone (also iPad, and iPod Touch) which available at Cydia app. AppSync is available in hackulous repository, it can be installed through Cydia. AppSync will let you install .IPA files to your iDevice without DRM check (simply without any error), and simply let you install jailbroken […]
The tutorial below will guide you how to Install OpenSSH on iPhone by using Cydia. What is OpenSSH ? Why should you install it on iPhone? It’s recommended to have OpenSSH installed on iPhone to let you connect to iPhone using secure connection remotely. It requires jailbreak. Before installing OpenSSH, you must have Cydia installed […]
Also read: Top 10 Must Have Cydia Tweaks for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch How to Jailbreak iOS 4.1 by using Limera1n. What’s limera1n? It‚Äôs a bootrom-level jailbreak that works on the iPhone3GS, iPhone4, iPod touch 3G, iPod touch 4G, the iPad, and (technically) the AppleTV 2G. Limera1n is untethered jailbreak. So, you won’t have any […]
Were you trying to jailbreak your iPhone by using blackra1n (blackra1n.exe) and getting this error message on your Windows? The program can’t start because ASL.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem. Here is a simple solution how-to fix “ASL.dll is missing from your computer” error message.
How to Jailbreak iPhone 4 (include iOS 4.0 and iOS 4.0.1) by using JailbreakMe. JailbreakMe supports: * iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G running iOS 4.0 / 4.0.1 / 3.1.3 / 3.1.2 * iPad iOS 3.2.1 and iPad iOS 3.2 * All iPod Touches iOS 4.0 / 4.0.1 / 3.1.3 / 3.1.2 You must have […]
How to Jailbreak iOS4 (include iOS 4.0 and iOS 4.0.1) by using JailbreakMe 2.0 by comex (et al.) JailbreakMe is the new userland jailbreak for all iDevice (iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G iOS 4.0.1 / 4.0, iPad iOS 3.2.1 / 3.2, iPod Touch iOS 4). JailbreakMe 2.0 by Comex can jailbreak All iPhones, iPads and iPod […]
“Failed to jailbreak (error code: c0000005)“, this error message will appear if you’re running Spirit jailbreak on Windows 7 or Windows Vista. To fix this problem, right click on Spirit.exe, choose Properties. Click Compatibility tab, click the checkbox “Run this program in compatibility mode for:“, and choose “Windows 98 / Windows Me“, then click OK. […]
What is Spirit Jailbreak? The Spirit jailbreak is an iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad untethered jailbreak tool created by comex and chpwn. It will jailbreak 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 firmware for all devices. Sprit jailbreak is easy to use jailbreak software, and it will quickly jailbreak your iPhone, or iPod touch, or iPad by using 1-single […]