Temple Run for iPhone, iPad Review
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
By: Imangi Studios, LLC
Version #: 1.2
Date Released:
Developer: By Imangi Studios, LLC
Price: Free
User Rating:Well, now you have done it. You just had to grab that cursed idol and now a ravenous band of ape-like monsters are on your tail and the only exit is an endless maze of thin walkways through a swamp. At least you can collect some coins on the way. This is the set up for Temple Run, a new run and jump game from Imangi Studios that wants to run right into the hearts of every iOS user.
While the premise is simple, this run and jump game is anything but simple in game play. Where most game of this genre are a simple affair of choosing when to jump, Temple Run adds more complexity with tilt movement and sliding. As you progress you will have to also swipe to change your runner’s direction. The speed of the runner doesn’t change, but the frequency of the obstacles does. It also becomes increasingly difficult to react to obstacles just around the corner. Reacting incorrectly to a tree stump or gate could slow you down, bringing you closer to the hungry crowd of monsters that are chasing you. Surviving isn’t the only goal as you race through the jungle. There are also coins that must be collected and that show up on either side of the road so you must tilt the device to reach them.
The coins are for more that weighing down your pockets. They can be used to add power-ups and to upgrade said power-ups. Power-ups show up during your run and you have to jump up to activate them. Some increase the value or your coins or give you bonus coins, while others allow you to ignore obstacles for a time. There are also single use bonuses that start you farther along or resurrect you after a death. There are also six alternate characters that can be purchased.
With frantic swipe controls and lots of upgrades Temple Run is a fun Run and Jump game. As a free to play game, there is the ability to purchase gold coins, but the game is quite fun without even working about coins. If you like games like Canabalt or Super Bit Dash, then give Temple Run a try.
We rate this app 4 out of 5 stars.
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