The Wolf Among Us Review – No one messes with the wolf
App Type: iPad, iPhone Apps

Our rating:
By: Telltale Inc
Version #: 1.2
Date Released:
Developer: The Wolf Among Us Support
Price: $4.99
User Rating:So when was the last time you had an acute adrenaline surge? Or had your heart beating in the rate of hundreds? How about a game that puts you through unimaginable and burdensome scenarios and sucks out how you’ll react to them, in a split second’s time. If these sound scary, you should probably stay away from The Wolf Among Us.
Coming from the makers of the popular decision-making game The Walking Dead, Telltale games, this one takes the genre to an unprecedented level of fantasy and mystery. The characters from the good old fairy tales like Snow White, Red Riding Hood, The Beauty and the Beast and The big bad wolf (that’d be you) are living as exiles in a remote part of New York city, under a charm. Their fortunate days are behind them and are now living a life of misery and dearth. And this rather peaceful supernatural world is shaken overnight by a brutal murder and you, Bigby, the Big Bad Wolf as the sheriff of Fable Town is investigating the case.
The Wolf Among Us, though featuring kids’ folklore, is more of a mature and rough take with lots of action and blood. It is good for everyone if they could just keep Bigby from getting enraged and transformed into the old mean wolf!
Each moment spent on this digital world, is as manly as it could get. Everyone you talk to, is either afraid of you or doesn’t trust you. You can scrape details and clues off ’em with care, intimidation or even something physical – What you tell, whether you lie or things you do is all up to you. You’re the boss and you tell them how its done! Occasionally, you have to make some bone breaking choices; for instance, whether to save your friend or a major witness, or to chase one of the two prime suspects and so on. The curious part is that the decisions you make changes the whole track of future gameplay and may even decide the life and death of characters. Ever felt so responsible in just a game?
Enough praising already. By the way, you won’t get the whole game for the 5 buck investment. A decent 3-4 hour-long first episode “Faith” is only included in this. For the rest four episodes, you can pay 5USD for each or subscribe to all for a tempting 14.99. The second episode “Smoke and Mirrors” is available right now. Also those with older devices will be a little put off to know that The Wolf Among Us is giving serious dropped frames and stutters on my iPad Mini, especially during fight scenes.
To conclude, this game, based on Bill Willinghams’s Fables comic series has been pruned to perfection by jaw dropping direction of the game. Each cut scene and conversation bears more than a passing resemblance to an Oscar-awarded movie. Note, this game is not for kids. Not at all, in fact. Filled with cigarette smoking, prostitutes, chopped heads and a ton of F words, this is a pure thriller for adults. If you like watching Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad, The Wolf Among Us should give you goosebumps.
Article By Roshan
From the first iPod Touch till the new iPad Mini, Roshan has loved each of his iDevices and has been busy tweaking and getting the most out of them. As a Med student from India, he splits his time between studying corpse and writing about his iOS passion. When not on the web, you could find him glued to TV Shows, movies or the bed! Recently, he has taken upon the role of an appreneur and is currently working on a revolutionary new app, Cyan for Facebook.
roshan has written 204 awesome app reviews.