Tracks Review – This could be the next big thing!
App Type: Uncategorized

Our rating:
By: Tracks Media, Inc.
Version #: 1.9.5
Date Released: 2012-05-17
Developer: Tracks Media, Inc.
Price: Free
User Rating:Yet another social media platform, Tracks had me floored when I first launched it. I was totally amazed and impressed by the sleekness of the app; how everything seemed to seamlessly integrate themselves, even at just the login screen.
The term Tracks comes from the fact that every account create is labeled a Track.
Think of Tracks working like Instagram, another popular social networking application except that it is much more popular. However, I liked the way Tracks organizes itself as the layout is much more user-friendly. Going by the now-common panels design system, Tracks makes browsing through content a breeze and extremely enjoyable.
The emphasis on white as a background color also adds to the readability of the app. Instead of contrasting or bright colors, the white-based theme contributes to a lush and soothing feeling while scrolling through Tracks. It makes for easy reading, whereby long periods of staring at the screen extended does not damage the eyes thanks to the gentle and soft layout design.
The main feature of Tracks would be the camera button located at the middle portion of the bar situated at the bottom of the screen. This works the same way as the Instagram camera does – Take a picture and the app posts it onto your social networking feed. However, the Tracks system is definitely much easier to use. Obvious differences include the ability to preview how filters look like as you are taking the photo instead of applying them individually after the shot has been taken. This gives greater flexibility on how to snap a particular image with a certain filter in mind.
For a free app, Tracks is worth the download. While not on a scale compared to Facebook or Twitter, Tracks does have a decent user base and that is set to steadily increase. This could be the next in thing.
Quick Take
Would I Buy Again:Yes
Learning Curve:Simple. Extremely user friendly.
Who Is It For:Social networkers.
What I Like:The ease of navigation
What I Don't Like:N.A.
Final Statement:This could be the next big thing!
?? Selected as an Essential Social Networking App by Apple! ??
"A place where color and google+ intersect, but I far prefer Tracks" -TechCrunch
"Tracks is about capturing the whole experience in one place" -The Next Web
What our users are saying!
"Beautifully simple"
"Extremely well designed and fun to use"
“An easy, incredibly well designed way to share photos and videos privately with your friends”
Be yourself with Tracks!
- Don’t want the boss to see that crazy night out?
- Want to keep that intimate dinner private?
- Want to keep the family pics, all in the family?
Make 'Tracks' to capture experiences and interests with friends, family, school buddies, colleagues and new people you meet!
Track the wild party, the family barbeque, favorite outfits, the weekend getaway, or anything else!
Invite friends to add photos and videos to the Track.
Tracks works even when you have no network connection!
? 10 custom designed live photo and video filters!
? Private group photo and video sharing
? Super slick and seamless animations
? Newer, faster, and better custom camera
? Multi-shot - take multiple pics and videos at once
? Multi-select 20+ pics from camera roll
? Manually adjust focus and exposure
? Interactive Track map
? Add facebook and twitter friends to your Tracks
? Geotagging of pics from camera roll
? Visual newsfeed across all your Tracks
? Search your Tracks
? And More...
Log in to to see your Tracks online!
Follow us on Twitter @tracks
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Article By Eng Wei Jie
A water polo player from Singapore, Wei Jie devotes most of his time to training. However, when he's not occupied by water training or pushing himself in the gym, expect to see him squinting at his iPhone testing out new apps.
eng-wei-jie has written 308 awesome app reviews.