Weird But True Review – A collection of trivia for the bored ones
App Type: Books

Our rating:
By: National Geographic Society
Version #: 1.2
Date Released: 2012-03-27
Developer: National Geographic Society
Price: 1.99
User Rating:Did you know that the Japanese have watermelons shaped like pyramids? I for sure didn’t.
I am sure that it is safe to say how we are all fans of random (and sometimes pretty disturbing) trivia that honestly hardly actually matters in our lives. Weird But True has plenty of these, where it churns out card after card filled with trivia seemingly irrelevant to our lives but nonetheless so interesting.
I personally found how the app used aptly related pictures and diagrams to spice up and stoke interest levels to be a nice and personal touch to each individual note. It shows how the developers actually took the time out and selected each fun fact rather than run through a generator churning out everything the internet has to offer.
Another nice touch would be how the app grouped and categorized all its trivia instead of having randomly churned out and compiled gibberish. This way, users can thus search for whatever piques their interests and sieve out facts relating to that particular category.
Moreover, Weird But True also added sound effects correlating to the 300 facts stored in its database.
Aimed at the younger ones, parents will find this app worth every cent of the $1.99 it costs.
Quick Take
Would I Buy Again:Yes
Learning Curve:NA
Who Is It For:Just about anyone
What I Like:The dozens of fun facts and how each of them can captivate my attention
What I Don't Like:Facts are not frequently updated and the current database is a stagnant one
Final Statement:One can never do with too much knowledge
Recently updated with wild and wacky sound effects for all 300 facts, new Weird-O-Meter sounds, and other surprises. Hear the pronunciation of the official name of Bangkok, Thailand--it is 167 letters long! Plus, now you can share facts with friends and family via Facebook and Twitter with the touch of a finger.
Did you know that girls have more taste buds than boys do? Or that slugs have 3,000 teeth and 4 noses? And who knew that gorillas burp when they’re happy? Get more than 300 Weird But True kid-friendly facts with the interactive app from National Geographic Kids!
Based on the phenomenally popular department in National Geographic Kids magazine and best-selling book franchise, Weird But True is now available for iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad!
-Swipe to move from fact to fact or shake the device to see a random fact.
-Use the Weird-O-Meter to rate the level of “weirdness” for each fact and monitor results from all users on the Weirdest Facts list!
-Bookmark your favorites or share the grossest facts with your friends via email, Facebook, and Twitter.
-Use the Fact Finder to locate facts about your favorite subjects—animals, weather, space, science, and more!
-Loaded with sound effects and awesome surprises, Weird But True is fun for kids of all ages!
Filled with wacky facts and tantalizing trivia that will engage curious kids and parents alike, Weird But True presents each of the 300 facts in a fun, colorful, and interactive format that will keep kids entertained—and learning—for hours! And parents can rest easy knowing that each fact is age-appropriate and handpicked by a brand they know and trust: National Geographic Kids.
Article By Eng Wei Jie
A water polo player from Singapore, Wei Jie devotes most of his time to training. However, when he's not occupied by water training or pushing himself in the gym, expect to see him squinting at his iPhone testing out new apps.
eng-wei-jie has written 308 awesome app reviews.