Where’s My Water? – Review – Help sewer alligators get their fix in this physics-based puzzler
App Type: Uncategorized

Our rating:
By: Walt Disney
Version #: 1.3.6
Date Released: 2012-02-02
Developer: Disney
Price: 0.99
User Rating:Where’s My Water? is a universal iOS game—and a really cheap one at that ($0.99)—whose very concept comes from the popular urban legend that alligators live in the sewers of New York City. Where’s My Water? is basically the story of Swampy, a peculiarly cute alligator who just wants to take a clean shower. But the other sewer alligators just won’t give poor Swampy the break he deserves, as they have sabotaged the pipes that bring water to his bathtub. It is the player’s job to solve the puzzle of leading the water in each level from its reservoir to the final pipe connected to Swampy’s shower head.
As in the water-filled puzzler Enigmo, physics plays a big role in Where’s My Water? The puzzle in each level lies in which parts of the clusters of dirt surrounding the pipes to dig and remove in order to make the water end up where it’s supposed to go. Removing dirt is as easy as swiping portions of dirt with the tip of a finger. And that’s really all it takes to play Where’s My Water?, as far as game controls are concerned. Beyond that the player is tasked with the job of considering the combined effects of gravity, momentum, and fluid motion in deciding which dirt to get dig.
In leading the water supply in each level to Swampy, the player must not only swipe in all the right spots so as to get rid of toxic ooze and algae but must also make sure that fresh water passes through the three rubber duckies to get bonus points. There are also several contraptions, such as mechanical triggers and traps, to bother with. Various collectible items, including loofahs, bars of soap, and bottles of shampoo, may also be hidden and dug up in the dirt in each level. These collectibles unlock bonus levels for more hours of play with Swampy.
Swampy’s Story comprises seven themed, multileveled chapters. That’s plenty of physics-based puzzles to keep the player busy. But Swampy is not the only game character to help in Where’s My Water? A recent update introduced another alligator called Cranky, who may be the complete opposite of Swampy. True to his name, Cranky is one ill-tempered gator. He is rather angry because his food is covered with vegetable-like algae, and Cranky eats anything but vegetables. This time, in Cranky’s Story, the player’s task in each level is to guide the toxic purple water toward Cranky’s algae-covered plate of rotten food.
Whether dealing with Swampy’s fresh water needs or Cranky’s algae-free nourishment, Where’s My Water? is filled to the brim with vibrant cartoon graphics. It should be, since Where’s My Water? comes from none other than Disney. And although the visuals and even the soundtrack may be geared toward kids, Where’s My Water? has more than enough exceptionally tough levels to keep kids at heart preoccupied.
Quick Take
Value:Very high.
Would I Buy Again:Yes.
Learning Curve:Low, but only slightly.
Who Is It For:People who lean toward physics-based puzzlers.
What I Like:The remarkable fealty to the laws of physics, the colorful cartoon graphics, the separate stories of and games starring Swampy and Cranky.
What I Don't Like:None.
Final Statement:Look no further than Where's My Water? for the best fluid-trajectory puzzler out there.
Cranky is the toughest alligator around and he has worked up an appetite from sabotaging Swampy’s water supply. He eats anything, especially all the rotting and disgusting junk found in the dumps and sewers. Cranky will not eat vegetables however, and now his food is covered with vegetable-like algae. Use the dirty purple water to clean off Cranky’s plate so he can eat!
Swampy the Alligator lives in the sewers under the city. He is a little different from the other alligators — he’s curious, friendly, and loves taking a nice long shower after a hard day at work. The other alligators have damaged his plumbing and disrupted the water flow. Help Swampy by guiding water to his shower!
Everyone loves Where’s My Water!
“Game of the Year 2011” — PHONEARENA.COM
“Game of the Year 2011” — APPLE 'N APPS
“92 Metascore” — METACRITIC.COM
“Editor’s Choice Award” — IGN
“Game of the Month” — SLIDE TO PLAY
“One of those rare gems that manages to get everything right.” — GAMEZEBO
“This is the perfect game to play on the go.” — KIDZWORLD
Where’s My Water? is a challenging physics-based puzzler complete with vibrant graphics, intuitive controls, and a sensational soundtrack. To be successful, you need to be clever and keep an eye out for algae, toxic ooze, triggers, and traps.
Swampy’s Story
The fun is just beginning. The story of Swampy unfolds as you play. Swampy’s cute, he’s funny, he just wants to take a shower with his beloved rubber ducky. In Swampy’s Story, play seven themed chapters over 140 levels. Collect Swampy’s ducks and shower items to unlock new puzzles and bonus levels. FREE levels are added to Swampy’s Story regularly!
Cranky’s Story
Cranky is the toughest alligator around and so are his puzzles! Play the first two chapters across 40 levels and test your puzzle solving skills with Cranky’s Challenge. Cranky’s Challenge is a game within a game. Four unique puzzle packs with 16 total levels for the most-skilled puzzle solvers.
Humorous story moments and richly-detailed graphics bring this subterranean world to life!
Go with the flow! Swipe, slosh, and splash to guide fresh water, dirty water, and ooze through increasingly challenging scenarios.
Collect Swampy’s shower items and complete Cranky’s Challenge to unlock bonus levels. “Tri-Duck” each chapter and tap around for secret levels and even more surprises! Visit www.facebook.com/WheresMyWater for more hints, tips and secrets.
Every drop counts in Where’s My Water? — A refreshing puzzler filled with good clean gaming fun!