Zombie Juice Review – Zombie-slicing, finger-swiping fun
App Type: Uncategorized

Our rating:
By: Valhalla Studios Bifrost
Version #: 1.6
Date Released: 2011-09-19
Developer: Valhalla Studios Bifrost
Price: 0.99
User Rating:Zombie Juice is one of those remarkably basic premises for an iPhone game that somehow manages to be incredibly addictive. The intense nature of the finger-swiping it requires of you, however, will mean that you might look slightly moronic if playing this game in public.
In essence, Zombie Juice is a survival zombie game in which you have to prevent hordes of colourful zombies from reaching the anonymous bugger cowering under the covers in bed. This is fundamentally done by frantically swiping at the screen with one hand, with bonuses for slicing up several zombies with one strike.
The first few times you play this, you’ll find yourself getting slaughtered quite quickly. However, once you master the technique of placing your iPhone on a solid surface, then swiping so hard that all the veins come to the surface of your wrist/forearm, you’ll find this game incredibly addictive.
It’s not entirely mindless fun though, as in your swiping rage you have to avoid attacking the occasional puppy that comes along; should you accidentally touch this little fella, then he turns into an indestructible beast that does guaranteed damage to your defences.
Zombie Juice features both a self-explanatory Survival Mode and Freak Out Mode, in which you have 90 seconds to slice and dice as many zombies as possible. There are also a few bonus weapons for you to play around with, including a lawn mower, pistol, and explosives. Mind you, the relentless pace of the game means that you rarely have a second to spare for weapon-changing. Zombie Juice uses OpenFeint to track your scores, allowing you to strive, most likely in vain, for a place on the leaderboards. The game so far only features an ‘Urban’ level, with indoor and outdoor settings, but if the level selection screen is to be believed, there’ll be more environments on the way in the near future. Still, Zombie Juice remains a fast-paced zombie slasher that’ll give your forearm a workout not too dissimilar from that which you get from pleasuring a woman, making it a strangely sensual experience.
Quick Take
Would I Buy Again:Yes
Learning Curve:Low-Medium
Who Is It For:People who enjoy killing zombies at a rapid rate
What I Like:Killing a ridiculous amount of zombies in one fell swipe
What I Don't Like:That evil little dog that turns into a ferocious beast
Final Statement:A fast-paced zombie-slicing game that's great fun in short bursts
If you like colourful characters, things that go bump in the night…and getting a little messy at times, you will LOVE “Zombie Juice”! See em, Slash em, and Juice em up! Mixing furious excitement with a simple strategic element, this game will keep you coming back for more and more juice-filled mayhem!
People everywhere are boarding up their houses in the face of the Zompocalypse spreading through the city and surrounding suburbs! Defend your front yard from the safety of your garden fence with the help of your little friends the Garden Gnomes, before falling back to the warmth of your bedclothes to defend against the childhood monsters in your closet! With a creatively cool arsenal of household items-turned-weapons at your disposal, they have the numbers but you have the firepower! Will they get the delicious brains they’re after? You decide!
“We wanted to go for something that shook up people’s perceptions of “delicious” and “disgusting”, rolling these extreme senses into one unique and tantalising concoction. I think we really nailed it too, and hope that everyone who plays this game worldwide experiences this new taste sensation when indulging in the delectable new treat that is “Zombie Juice.” – Simon Banks (GM, Bifrost Studios)
Article By Robert Zak
I'm an up-and-coming freelance writer (or so I like to think) specialising in film, apps and gaming. Aside from writing app reviews on what sometimes feels like a mass scale, I've also contributed work to The Independent and IGN.com, and am on the writing team of the popular Lifestyle blog, WhatCulture.com. Like what you see? Follow me on Twitter @Rob_Zed and get in touch!
robert-zak has written 99 awesome app reviews.