Zombify Me for iPhone, iPad Review
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
By: Bouncing Ball LTD
Version #: 1.2
Date Released:
Developer: By Bouncing Ball Games
Price: $0.99
User Rating:The pumpkins are out and the werewolves are howling because its is Halloween. While you are getting your costume ready, and stocking up on candy, why not have a little fun dressing up your friends as the always frightening zombies. Zombify Me is a simple photo effects tool to turn anyone into the walk dead. Let’s take a look and see what this scary app has to offer.
Zombify Me is the braaaaaain! child of Gary at Bouncing Ball Games, but you would be hard pressed to find this info in the app itself. The app is fast and responsive bringing you directly to the initial screen to get your starting with your zombie creations. You can take a photo there, or select one from your photo library. I recommend taking the photo in your camera app first and then going to zombify it because if you mess up the cropping, or as I discovered it doesn’t recognize the face, you would have to retake the shot. If you have the photo already saved in your library then it is easy to reselect it and try again. Once you have selected the photo, Zombify Me goes to work finding faces on the photo to transform. This is where I initially has problems because the app would continue to tell me it couldn’t find a face when I took a picture of my friend. We tried moving closer and farther away, we made sure there was plenty of lighting, all without producing a single zombie. I then released that maybe my friend’s glasses where to blame and sure enough, removing the glasses was just what the app needed. So once you have a non-glasses covered face, Zombify Me finds the eyes and mouth and attempts to align one of several templates zombie faces to it. If you don’t like the particular style it chose, you can tap the face to toggle between the different types or even remove the effect if you want some zombies and some…victims.
I found that people posing with slightly tilted heads worked best, but The variety of faces is enough that you will find a good match with most photos. With your zombie created it is time to unleash them upon your unwitting friends. Zombify Me has iOS 5 twitter integration as well as your standard Facebook, email, or save features. The best part of the app is there is no fuss or extra features that get in the way. This is a quick app that does one thing fairly well. With Halloween just around the corner you can have your own zombie horde made from all your friend and family. Shamble over to the app store and pick it up now for only $.99.
This app was submitted via our expedited review service, which means we were remunerated for reviewing this app. N. Kline was not influenced by this matter and it reflects his honest opinion.
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