iPhone Development vs Android Development in 5 Days
Ed Burnette, a writer for ZDNet, is currently taking a 5 day course on iPhone programming at the Big Nerd Ranch. As an Android developer, he was intrigued to see how developing for the iPhone differed and took the plunge. From this, comes a series of incredibly detailed blog posts, iPhone vs Android Development (day 1, day 2, day 3). So far, Ed is only up to day 3 but the others will follow soon.
Ed’s analysis so far is interesting primarily because he’s one of the most experienced Android developers out there (even having a book already out on the topic). His comparison, therefore, not only illuminates some of the obvious points that are easy to forget about iPhone development, but also Android related points that could be relevant to you if you ever decide to port your apps or switch platforms. Lastly, it’s useful in case you ever want to go on a BNR iPhone developer course yourself, although the chance of doing that anytime soon is low since even their next session is already sold out..
Great point, Mark!