Podcast: Henry Balanon + Panel Discussion On Marketing

On December 7, 2009

Henry Balanon is part of the writing team for Giga Om’s The Apple Blog and co-founder of the iPhone app development shop Bickbot. This podcast features Henry’s speech on iPhone marketing and the panel discussion he organized for his segment at the 360iDev conference.

Henry’s speech is filled with goodies, including glimpses into how sites like The Apple Blog decide what to cover and this gem: a timeline/calendar to follow for folks trying to concentrate their PR to coincide with an app’s launch.

The panel discussion features: Rana June, former VP/Marketing for Medialets and author of O’Reilly’s forthcoming “Marketing iPhone Apps” book; Natalia Luckyanova, co-founder of the multiple-hit game studio Imangi; David Whatley, creator of the top selling geoDefense games; PR firm TriplePoint’s Chris Heintz; Matt Drance, formerly of Apple, now founder Bookhouse Apps; and me, Dan Grigsby.

You can listen using the Flash player below, download the MP3, or subscribe to the iPhone Developer Podcast using the instructions at the bottom of this post.

Slides/Promo Video

You can download a copy of Henry’s slides here and the Strokes promotional video here.

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0 responses to “Podcast: Henry Balanon + Panel Discussion On Marketing”

  1. Wow great talk and panel discussion, thanks for sharing Dan! 360iDev sounds like it was awesome :]

    For everyone else, this is very long but so worth it! Chock full with tons of great advice. Some that I found particularly interesting:

    * The importance of the pre-release period
    * Advice on how to approach bloggers/reviewers
    * Maintenance marketing
    * The importance of testimonials
    * Establishing yourself as committed to the platform

    Anyway – would recommend others to check this out, and thanks again!

  2. Jeremy Olson says:

    Agree with Ray, definitely worth a listen. Thanks for posting, Dan!

  3. Devin says:

    Can you post the keynote slides?

  4. Carole says:

    Very informative and helpful, thanks for sharing that.